Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sarcastic Rants

1. Apparently I missed the memo where all females (regardless of social status, mental capacity, or fabric choice) must stuff their pant-legs into their winter boots. Yes folks, that includes sweatpants, which I must say makes for a really pulled-together look, what with the lank fabric spilling irregularly out of its boot-top casing and all.

2. I don't have forms for a reason. Nope. They're not to guarantee that the right piece of info gets connected to another correct piece of info. In fact, they're completely to be ignored. I never spend time getting those just right so that people can fill them out correctly and make my job a little easier and more direct when I have to process the info. And I most certainly would never have to call a form-filler-outer and request that he use the correct form that I nicely prepared and sent to him over a month ago. And even if I did have to make a call, no form-filler-outer that I know would ever act like he couldn't be bothered. Not once! Never!

my blood pressure can't take this. Let's just hope the graph of the function of approaching insanity is asymptotic and not heading directly for an intercept with the point of insanity with all the steadiness and irreversibility of a freight train.