Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Letterman and the Holidays

Thanksgiving evening, as my mother and I hurried back to the hotel to get to our room in time to catch The Late Show with David Letterman, it struck me that it has become part of my holiday tradition to watch certain holiday traditions on that show.

Thanksgiving (my favorite Letterman tradition): The segment with Dave's mom live via satellite from Indianapolis, during the course of which Dave has to guess the types of pie his mom made for Thanksgiving dinner. It really is amusing to watch Dave interact with his mom. If she says "Now, David..." in that sort of scolding voice, that just makes it even cooler. Lately they've added to the tradition by showing what Dave's mom has in her fridge, which is pre-stocked to be funny. This year it was full of cans of Old Milwaukee beer and nothing else. Classy all the way.

Christmas (1): Paul Shaffer doing his impression of Cher singing "Oh Holy Night."

Christmas (2): Darlene Love singing "Baby Please Come Home."

Random fun fact: I noticed recently that my hands look awfully similar to Letterman's. Check it out.

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