Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas card from a hooker in Minneapolis

Last month, Tom Waits released a new 3-disc collection entitled Orphans. I haven't heard it yet, but I believe I plan to make it my own. Listed below are some reviews that I've read of the album and they basically make me want to jump in feet-first. Thanks to DMK for pointing out that on this album Tom does a rendition of Disney's "Heigh Ho." If that doesn't have potential for multi-layered oh-so-wrongitude and oh-so-rightitude, I don't know what does.

Reviews of Orphans:
Boston Globe
Chicago Tribune
New York Times
Rolling Stone
South Coast Today

Harp's December 2006 Tom Waits article/interview

One of my favorite old stories of Tom's is listed at the very end of this
random yarn-spinning from Tom back in 1993. Here's to growing stronger and stranger every day.

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