haberdasher (hab'@r dash'@r; often hab'@ dash'-) n. [[ ME haberdashere, prob. < Anglo-Fr hapertas, kind of cloth ]] 1 a person whose work or business is selling men's furnishings, such as hats, shirts, neckties, and gloves 2 [Brit.] a dealer in various small articles, such as ribbons, thread, and needles
haberdashery (-dash'@r e¯) n., pl. -eries [[ ME haberdashhrie ]] 1 things sold by a haberdasher 2 a haberdasher's shop
milliner (mil'i n@r) n. [[ < Milaner, inhabitant of Milan, vendor of bonnets and dress wares from Milan ]] a person who designs, makes, trims, or sells women's hats
millinery (mil'i ner'e¯) n. 1 women's hats, headdresses, etc. 2 the work or business of a milliner
When I think of ladies wearing hats, the first thing I think of is the Kentucky Derby. Read more about my interest in the Derby on previous posts on a previous blog:
11/14/06: "As if I didn't already want to go..."
05/08/06: "Down the stretch they come"
What is the coolest name for a hat ever? Why, "porkpie," of course (rocked by Joliet Jake in the pic below). Don't count out its variation, the porkpie stetson, however.

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