Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Goal-tending (2006 report)

How did I fare on last year's resolutions?

Resolutions made on 01/02/06 for the year 2006:

Resolution #1: Start and maintain an online journal. The results? I did start and maintain a livejournal blog (49 entries over the course of 11 months), and then mosied on over to blogger this past November (with 12 posts in 2 months). Resolution accomplished.

Resolution #2: Submit applications to 15 jobs that interest me. The results? I applied to 2 jobs in 2006. One was a cool one in San Francisco. One was the position I currently cover. Resolution resoundingly not accomplished, but I'm okay with that since I ended up with a promotion/new job anyway. There's always 2007.

Resolution #3: Take three different trips to visit friends - must travel beyond a 50-mile radius from home to qualify as a trip. The results? In July, I managed to visit two friends in Chicago on one single trip. In August, I visited a family friend in Chicago and met up with another friend. I traveled to Crystal Lake for a the bridal shower of an old friend. Resolution accomplished.

2006 Final score: 2 out of 3. And you know what Meatloaf says: "2 out of 3 ain't bad."

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